Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Working week

Hi :) What's up?

My week so been nothing but normal so far, filled with with work, followed yoga classes on Monday and Tuesday. I'm so happy to make it a routine again after a summer break:) Yesterday we took a long evening walk along coastlines of Hakaniemi with a friend of mine, Karla. I was excited to discover a lot of new places as I don't often wander in these neighborhoods :)

I've been extremely lazy photographing, not to mention that my outfits are not worth of showing as I honestly pick up the first clothes that come to my hand in the morning ;D So here are few pictures of one the best days of the summer, the graduation day (not mine but several of my close ones;):

Here is how my breakfast has looked this week :-D Looks suspicious but delicious: a lot of redcurrants, yogurt, banana, squash seeds and buckwheat.

How has your week been so far?

Xx <3

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