Friday, August 31, 2012


Feeling free :) :) :) It is my last day of work for now, and I feel incredibly relieved and good. I am so ready for the more flexible lifestyle as a student ;)

picture from pinterest

Tonight we are celebrating birthday of one of my best friends <3. Happy happy happy!!

What are your Friday night plans? <3

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

10 Things to Remind Yourself on a Daily Basis

My sister told me to print this list and place it somewhere in sight. I feel that everyone of us can benefit from these pearls of wisdom, and keep them as a reminder for ourselves, when we feel down or hopeless. I feel it is comforting to "know" that it is OK to take some alone time if the world feels too hectic at times. :)

1. Do not lose sight of what truly matters.
 Does that clogged sink signify the end of the world? Are you going to remember or even care that the stranger you smiled at in the coffee shop didn’t smile back? When we’re having a bad day, we seem to zoom in on petty things and complain about them. Next time you’re pulling your hair out over something, ask yourself if it really matters.

2. It is okay to be alone or pull back from the world.
Sometimes we just need to step back and re-evaluate a situation, a relationship, or just life in general. If you need to go into hiding for awhile and work on stitching yourself back up, take the time to do that. It is so important to pull back and spend quality time with yourself every now and then.

 3. You are not always in control.
You cannot predict when certain things will or should happen, or how everything will turn out. Sometimes you just have to stop pushing and let go.

4. What other people think is irrelevant.
I was a miserable slave to the opinions of others. It got to a point where I was trying so hard to please everyone but myself. Don’t let your immediate reaction to criticism be to change whatever it is you’re being criticized for. Do whatever feels right to you, regardless of what other people have to say about it.

5. Don’t give up.
If you’re fighting for something that means a lot to you, do not stop fighting whenever you happen to fall short. Remember why you are fighting for it.

6. You don’t have to know all the answers.
No one ever has life all figured out. We are always learning and growing. Life itself is a mystery and it’s okay to feel clueless sometimes.

7. You are enough.
All of us have had times in our lives where we have thought, “I’m not smart enough or pretty enough or strong enough or exciting enough to do _____.” Give yourself a chance instead of forming limiting beliefs.

8. Stay present.
Try not to dwell on the past or worry about the future. Take everything one day at a time.

9. Your feelings will not kill you.
 I know that heartbreak, grief, depression, or resentment might make you feel like you’re dead and breathing, but you have the strength to get through whatever life throws at you. Hold on and see yourself through it.

10. You are human.
This is probably the biggest reminder of them all. You will make mistakes. You will hurt other people and other people will hurt you. You won’t always feel happy and positive. Next time you feel the urge to beat yourself up over any of these things, remind yourself that you are an imperfect human being instead.

The entire text can be read here.

Thing that I still have a lot to learn to relates to the ability of enjoying the moment. I always have a list of things to do running in my mind and I try to act as efficiently as possible. I want to learn that the present moment is the most important thing and focus on what is currently happening around me, not to constantly plan ahead and think of what is going to happen next.

Also, I have pretty well learned lately, that it is entirely irrelevant of what other people think of me. I have been afraid of what my close ones think of my "new" lifestyle and for example of my new way of eating in order to achieve a clearer skin. What I have realized, is that if they do not support me, they are not really my close ones. And fortunately, I have been lucky as most of them been really supportive, which I am really grateful for. :)

Do these pieces of advice make sense to you? :)

pictures: pinterest

Monday, August 27, 2012

Indulgent Monday

Today I went to see Cindy for the second time. It's so weird I can say this of a person I've only met once before but god, she is amazing. So professional in what she does, yet amazingly warm-hearted. We spent 2,5 hours talking and the stories she told left me feeling inspired and confident that I will someday achieve my dreams as well. :) Not to mention how good the facial did to my skin!

We rescheduled nutrition counseling to next week, which means I am going to keep a food diary until then, and Cindy is going to consult how I, especially my skin, can benefit of nutrition even better. I have never kept a diary of my meals so I'm kind of nervous!

Other than that, my Monday was perfectly normal; work, running some student relating errands, grocery shopping and a huuuge dinner salad. :) Tomorrow some friend time!

Sorry for the constant old (and self-taken hehe) shots but I could not show you how my face currently looks, you would freak out. I had to wear sun glasses on my way home even though it was not sunny at all.. ;D Anyway, I hope my forehead is going to look better from now on than in the picture!

How was your Monday?


Latest obsession

Fresh pineapple with organic coconut milk. And Coco's in heaven, hehe.. Seriously, soooo good.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Saturday night outfit

Wow, it's a cloudburst outside! We had the intention to go on a outside terrace with Karla but the rain hit us by surprise as soon as we stepped outside. Well, we had a lovely tea session inside as well ;)

I made a real bargain in Singapore Christmas sales last January, a lamb leather skirt from Zara at 70% discount. I wore it for the first time last weekend, and again last night, ooops :) Anyway, I really love it and can't see why I had not worn it before!

Tomorrow starts last week at my summer job. I'm thrilled and motivated with my upcoming studies, I really want to move on with them. I've got plans for the future that do not relate to my current studies and I can't wait to start pursue subjects I truly am interested of. :)

My next week is booked with a facial <3, a goodbye date with Anne and hopefully some yoga and seeing other friends as well :)

What are your plans for the new week?


Perfect Sunday morning

Sun, breakfast at the patio, and my favorite newspaper, could it get any better.. ;)

Happy Sunday! <3

Friday, August 24, 2012

Nutritious inspiration

Even though I love food, I am the laziest cook ever. I want my dish to be prepared as fast as possible. Therefore, I often favor salads, which you can easily vary and no major efforts are needed to prepare them. I love my dishes that way as well, but sometimes I'd like to put more effort in cooking. I love browsing recipes for inspiration but I always apply them with what ever I can find from my kitchen.

Here is some inspiration for dishes, which some of even I might have energy to prepare;):

Quinoa with veggies

Salad with shrimp, corn, quinoa, avokado

Tomato soup with goat cheese

Tortillas with meat, veggies and beans

Chicken sandwich with avokado, feta cheese and olives

Home made burger

Beet and arugula sandwich

Salad with walnuts and blue cheese

Home made pizza with arugula, cheese and onion

Quinoa sushi - this I'd love to give it a try!

Grilled eggplant and quinoa

Shrimp salad with beans, egg, tomato...

Avokado and blue cheese salad

Home made hummus
Grilled vegetables
Grilled shrimp with lime and garlic

Too often, I choose the easy way out by just throwing what ever I can find for my meal. I'm really inspired to try new recipes and put some effort when cooking. I'll keep you posted :)

What are your easy-to-prepare favorite dishes? I'd love to hear new tips!

pictures: pinterest, my new roots

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall of opportunities

Personally, I don't have anything against Fall arriving. I love the crisp air, layers in clothing and cozy nights spent at home in candle light with a cup of hot chocolate or with friends along with dinner, movies and red wine:) My fall is made of:

Cozy decoration and fireplace

Long walks in crisp air and the colors of fall

Warm clothes and a lot of my favorite candles

Layers in clothing

Cozy white bed and slow mornings

Huge cafe lattes enjoyed on coffee dates with friends and on slow mornings:

Hot yoga classes

Dinner with friends and a lot of food and red wine

 A lot of (cozy:) studying

Weekend trip to Copenhagen

Let the chilly weather and new opportunities that studying, exercising, working and meeting new people can bring, arrive :) Are you excited about fall or reluctant to give up summer?

 pictures: pinterest