Saturday, July 14, 2012

Skin care

Yesterday I went to have a facial - and not just any facial but done by lovely Cindy Riera which in my opinion is the best beautician in Helsinki ;) ...not that I have loads of experience but I'm definitely sticking with Cindy! She is incredibly nice, interested about comprehensive skincare and wellness, and above all she has a degree from IIN, the school I'm dreaming about :). As I bought some products, I received a gift voucher to nutrition guidance that I will use when I go to have another facial next month (according to Cindy it is essential to have atleast two treatments in order to get the best results). Even though I believe I already know a lot about nutrition based on my own studying, I'm excited to get tips from a professional especially when I myself dream about studying the same degree.

Here are some guidelines I am going to try to obey the best way I can in order to heal by skin:

  • Reducing dairy
 – Reducing quark and cottage cheese will be the biggest challenge for me but luckily I have found several worthy replacements;) smoothies, rye bread + avokado, dried fruits, nuts, muesli bars....
  • Adding quality fats
– Nuts and seeds (flax, sesam, pumpkin etc), fish, avokado, rapeseed oil, olive oil, coconut oil...

  • A lot of fruits, vegetables and berries

 – Kiwi fruit, pear, banana, apple, lime, lemon, nectarine, peach, orange, cherries, rasberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackcurrants - some to mention that I consume daily :) I ate a lot of vegetables at work but I'm lazy to cook them by myself, something to improve on! In particular important would be to increase amounts of green leafys

  • Replacing meat with fish

– In addition to dairy, as a meat lover I still a while ago did not think reducing meat could be an option. I am not turning into a vegan but I've realized that you really can feed yourself with plant-based food and you night not even crave for meat. I love fish and eat it always when available!

These are the most important guidelines that I can think of at the moment. For me eliminating poor quality food such as sugar, white grains and poor quality fats goes without saying so I'm not going to write more about that. Drinking a lot of water is of course important. Lately I've always been adding superfoods such as spirulina, chia seeds and raw cacao to my diet. I really believe that my skin is grateful for this:)

That's it for now, I'll write more though ;) Have a great day!

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