Thursday, March 14, 2013

You know you're happy when you......

<3  find yourself smiling most of the day even though you're alone

<3 get told by your most unemotional friend (Eve;) that you seem really, really happy

<3 know that your parents are proud of something you've achieved

<3  have less than a month for thesis deadline and don't feel a bit stressed

<3  know so many of you're close ones are in a really good place in their lives right now

<3 are more excited than ever of the future

<3 are eating more chocolate than ever and not even feeling bad of it

<3 think you are blessed with the best bunch of friends and family <3

What are your reasons to be happy?

I took these pictures today on my way back to my parents place from my sister's place. You also know you are in love with your home town when running is not possible because you want to shoot every 50 meters. :-D I love power walking in the fresh air, it is usually the time that best ideas flow in mind :)

<3 Coco


Jenna said...

Ihana ihana Sonja, so happy for you!!! <3



Coco said...

<3 <3 pusss

Unknown said...

Ihana sonsku ja kunnon päivänpiristys postaus! Oot ihana <3

Coco said...

Ite oot <3 <3 :)